Posted by Kayla in , ,

Incredibly tired at the moment. Despite laying down and getting all cozy underneath the covers, sleep never came for me last night. So I have been up and about since about 4:30 a.m. today. Not even an entire energy drink is waking me up.

Although, I was graced with good news this morning. I'm officially enrolled in three classes now - the latest being Understanding Human Behavior. I'm still #7 on the waitlist for Interp. Comm. but, my hopes are high. Several people always fail to show up for the first class, and even more for the second.

What's sad, however, is that, even if things don't go my way and I end up not getting enrolled in this particular class - 6 weeks from now, the classroom will be half empty. Perhaps I should start looking into some late-starting classes for around 8 a.m., to fill the void?

This entry was posted on Friday, January 09, 2009 at Friday, January 09, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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